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In this fact-file find out why we turned Asha into a superhero.
Superhero Backstory
Asha uses sound waves to locate objects and animals.

As a child, the ship Asha was on capsized in the Indian Ocean. Shipwrecked, she discovered she was able to speak with some marine animals via echolocation. She used her power to locate a nearby ship and was able to rescue her family. Shortly after, she joined Team Remarkablz.
Echolocation. We gave Asha this superpower as she studies whales. Whales use echolocation for navigating.
The box to Asha's right has a number of hidden secrets inside. The puppet was used by Asha during her 2013 TED-Ed lesson; She was nominated as 2016 Emerging Explorer by National Geographic; In a 2017 interview Asha talks about digging potatoes in Scotland to pay for her studies.
The logo on Asha's chest is the the logo of the Blue Whale Project. Asha founded the Blue Whale Project in 2008, which studies blue whales in the northern Indian Ocean.
Asha founded the Blue Whale Project in 2008, which studies blue whales in the northern Indian Ocean.
You can find Asha in Perth. Why? Because populations of Sri Lankan blue whales can also be found in Perth.
Asha's side-kick is marine biologist Sylvia Earle. Sylvia looks at marine ecosystems with a focus on conservation.
Ship traffic crossing the Indian Ocean results in ship strikes which injures and kills many whales
Top Quarkz Card Explained
Each drawing we create has one or more hidden treasure(s) about our superheroes' life experiences, depictions in art, jobs or discoveries. Did you find the ones hidden in this drawing?
Hidden Treasures
We have packed a lot into our cards - from amazing imagined superpowers to biographical information and hidden treasures.
Marine biology is the study of organisms and ecosystems in the ocean and other saltwater environments.
What Do Marine Biologists Do?
Video credit: BBC Earth
Why is whale poop important?
Whale poop gives marine biologists a picture of the life of whales: what they eat, how stressed they might be and it can even help to identify the whale species. Also, it is really important to the oceans' ecosystem. Find out why in this video from Oceanswells.
Did you know?
Why are whales so big?
Asha explains why whales are so big. You'll meet her puppet in this video.
Video credit: Oceanwells
* Indian Ocean whales have different dialects this means they can't communicate with other blue whales.
* Indian Ocean whales are non-migratory; they don't leave warm, tropical waters at all.

* Indian Ocean whales don't eat krill - they eat shrimp

* Did you know whale poop is red!
Video credit: Oceanwells
Asha features in our game: Top Quarkz
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